Saturday, 5 April 2014

Pecha Kucha Presentation

For the second task we had to create a Pecha Kucha presentation, this is were we have to talk about a chosen topic and to be synchronised with the timings of the slides, for example our slides were set to around 20 seconds each, our task was to create a presentation around social networking/ Folksonomy. We looked at how Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be used and how the different techniques e.g hashtags and so on can bring people closer or gets the attention of others.

We also looked at how Facebook can keep a diary of an indervidual, for example i could have  an embarrassing status or picture taken in 2012 and a friend is then able to access this status for that related time. Yes of course it is embarrassing but a good way for people to find out more about an indervidual.

Another example is on Instagram, if i created a took a picture that i felt was of good standard, i could upload it to Instagram, using filters i can slightly adjust the image for example if i want to over expose the image i can. Once i have chosen my filter i am then able to add a description that relates towards the image. The final step is hash tagging. Hash tagging links your image with related images around the world. This can help broadcast your image and can be seen by many. A lot of photographers use this app to present there work world wide.

Our aim was to create a presentation with as little words on it so we as the speakers, need to memorise a script and talk about each slide making sure that each slide is on point and that the whole presentation ran within 10 minutes. 

I chose to work with my friend George Bushell as we both work well together and that we both found that after presenting the presentation we found that we were both confident and felt strong about the ideas that we put across towards the class.

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